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Service system in a sentence

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Sentence count:84Posted:2019-03-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: price systemfederal reserve systemservicesdefence systemguidance systemTeleservicesarmed servicessocial services
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(61) The establishment of earthquake computing grid environment and distributed seismologic data sharing service system will effectively solve the problems in the resources sharing.
(62) We should establish and improve a commercialized rural service system.
(63) Expanding services and coverage, and improve the community service system.
(64) However, the Selective Service System remains in place as a contingency plan; men between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register so that a draft can be readily resumed if needed.
(65) Experiment shows that with the pro posed storage scheduling policy, the streaming service system achieves a load-balance and high user requests acceptance rate.
(66) Products with its remarkable since listing, the effect and perfect service system by the users all over the country love and esteem, won of social all circles reputably!
(67) Implemened the VIS System,( Customer Resource Management System ( CRMS ) and After Service System ( ASS ).
(68) On the aspect of labor market, the measurement is constructing the information service system.
(69) Tugboat operation is the important part of the service system of the port.
(70) Tutorship is an important part in the service system of long-distance education, whose perfect functions will have unusual effect on the qualities of web-education.
(71) Credit agency adopts market-based management, competes sufficiently and freely, or complements mutually with Pubic Credit Registry (PCR) system and form perfect credit service system together.
(72) Maintenance service system involves two business enterprises: manufactories and service companies.
(73) The establishment of public service platform for small and medium enterprises to promote social service system.
(74) It is effective way for higher vocational college development to setup graduates information feedback system and information service system.
(75) In order to improve the scientific communication system, it must change the present situation and bring the informal scientific communication into the scholarly information service system (SISS).
(76) With developing capacity, flawless sales net and after service system.
(77) The hospital electronic information service platform is based on the hospital service and a comprehensive electron data message service system which the service profound understanding but releases.
(78) Unprofitable ones will occupy a predominant position in the medical service system.
(79) The conclusion of the study is that middle and small enterprises'technology innovation service system is made up of service policy? service agency ? service work way and service information system .
(80) How to remold rural financial service system, to optimize its environment and to increase its supply are the problems to be settled urgently.
(81) The library is a important part in learning supporting service system of open education, which plays an unreplaceable role in modern open education.
(82) A variety of on-line service system, but also a profound impact on people's contact information so that people can be separated by thousands of miles away at any time communication.
(83) Especially, we set up a after service center and established an integrated norm and service system.
(84) The president appoints the heads and senior officials of the executive branch agencies, the large majority of federal workers, however, are selected through a nonpolitical civil service system.
More similar words: price systemfederal reserve systemservicesdefence systemguidance systemTeleservicesarmed servicessocial servicesservice stationretail servicesgoods and servicessurveillance systemservice of processfinancial servicesmaintenance serviceintelligence servicehealth and human servicescaste systemcervicesservicecase systemfile systemphone systemwage systembrake systemin-serviceimmune systemcomplete systemsewage systemservice man
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